
I changed my font at

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


It's December! And I haven't posted for a really really long time! Okay less than a month, but still.
Here's a random list for you.
1. Buzz is dead and I'm really sad about it
2. I'm going shopping with Paul and Mom in about 45 minutes
3. I should really be cleaning up right now rather than posting on my blog
4. It's really difficult to not sing Christmas songs all over the house
5. Straight No Chaser is epic
6. Epic is an extremely over-used word
7. Christmas is only 4 days away
8. There are only 7 presents under our Christmas tree
9. I love getting random phone calls :]
10. Jimmy comes back TOMORROW!
11. I have no money
12. I looove fuzzy horses. They are so cuddly and adorable
13. I watched Pocohontas today for the first time in a long time and was sorely disappointed
14. My room is a mess
15. I wouldn't read my own blog if I wasn't me
16. I fail at all girly things
Annnnnd the number one reason I'm on the computer right nowww
17. I. am. a. lazy. bum.

The end :)

{edit} I fixed it, I fixed it!! *happy dance* I got the transparent layer thingy to go awayy! YAY!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



experiencing or exhibiting nostalgia, a sentimental or wistful
yearning for the happiness felt in a former place, time, or situation.

I sent my Jimmy off to Atlanta today. It was sad, but I'm glad she's going, and she'll be back.
My birthday was yesterday, and it was a pretty good day. Mostly packing and getting ready for Jimmy to leave, but that's okay. She was all concerned that I was spending my birthday in a bad way, but that's silly. I spent it with her.
These two videos are my songs to her:

Also, I just found this video today while I was playing with my Flip (My mommy got it for me for my birthday :]).
It's from last year sometime. Liana and I were obviously having a great time dancing and goofing off instead of cleaning up that room we were in. Good times.

{edit} Hummmm, I'm not sure why my font didn't work. I think I'll just sign up for a new blog. Lolz.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 11-11-11

I guess.

This day has just shown me that numbers don't matter. Superstitions aren't true. Only God's sovereignty is true.

I'm so bummed out I'm not even going to wait up for 11:11. Wishes don't matter.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

These are my new shoes...

Barefoot Merrills!! :O

I still can't believe that they're mine. Not quite an impulse buy, but I didn't spend very much time thinking about it before I decided to get them. I was just going to go and try them on to see how they feel and get some ideas. Then I took them for a little jog around the store and I couldn't just leave them there on the I bought them. They were $25 less than if I had bought them directly from Merrill, so that's a plus.

Look how far they bend! It's ridiculous how excited I am about these things. It's like Christmas! I can't wait to take them out on a run yay :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Few Quotes

That amused me somewhat.

Nolan (11 years old I think): I'll drink to that!
Me: What will you drink, apple juice?!

(at Famous Dave's, the best restaurant ever besides Taco Johns)
Becky: I wonder if heaven will be like this..
Me: I hope so!

Liz: I had a great time.
Me: Yeah, you sure are.

My piano teacher: Ok, did you bring your notebook?
Me: Uhm yeah, you were just writing in it.

Ok so maybe those were lame, but I found them funny at the time.

This has been a sort of eventful weekend. We went to a fall festival and that was fun. They had a hayride :)

Today is my dad's 50th birthday, and we took him out to Famous Dave's and surprised him by having a bunch of people there to celebrate.

My knees and hips are aching because I run. I'm not very happy, and hope to resolve the situation and keep running. If I have to quit I'm gonna be mad.

My internet is being retarded, and it won't load much of anything (which is why I haven't played words in WWF for a while, Timmy)

Man, my throat itches.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I have been around people almost all day today, and now I am ready to curl up and read a book. Goodbye :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why I Joined 4-H

I have found that 4-H isn’t just agriculture and animals as I once thought. It is learning, meeting new people, taking responsibility, friends, hard work, making memories, having life experiences, and developing life skills.

The primary reason I joined the Butler County Young Riders is the fact that the club is horse-oriented. I love everything that has to do with horses. Meeting other horse people is always a fun experience.
Not only have I met and gotten to know the members of my club, I’ve met many other people too.

Since I joined four years ago, I have learned so much through 4-H. I’ve learned more about different animals, people, and I’ve developed new skills with the various projects I’ve done. Without 4-H, I never would have attempted most of the projects I have brought to the fair.

Another reason I wanted to join was that I wanted to have fun!
I have had so much fun participating in various club and county activities.
I like taking projects to the fair, shooting with shooting sports, officer training, giving talks and presentations, awards night, Share-the-Fun acts, and most of the time just attending the meetings is fun! I also enjoyed being the vice president of my club this past year.

As a result of being involved with 4-H, I can better relate to people, I’m more confident, and I have improved skills in the many areas I’ve pursued.

That is why I joined 4-H.

Emily Currier, Butler County Young Riders

{my winning essay I submitted for a 4-H contest}

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy October!

Lolz the random blue at the top of my blog still cracks me up.

I've got supper in the oven, and I'm looking for a way to waste time. I have several responsibilities I should be taking care of at the moment, but I simply don't feel like it.

Last Friday I went to Jenna's farm to work, and since she's still laid up I knew I wouldn't be having a lesson. So I asked her if I could work with Oliver, a new horse she acquired a month or two ago. Ollie is only halter broke, and has bad manners. He is extremely skittish and freaks out at just about everything. In fact, if you are a high-energy person, he will not let you near him. Thankfully, he likes me.
Anyways, after finished mucking stalls and sweeping out the barn, I longed Elsie and then went to fetch Jenna, who wanted to watch me work with Ollie and give me pointers.
I caught Ollie from the field and brought him to the grooming/tacking up place. He doesn't like to be groomed (!) so I had to be really careful and only groom a little at a time. I went down his neck and side, and then Jenna told me to go down his front legs too.
I started to, and felt Ollie's fear, but before I could do anything, I was cow-kicked in the back of my thigh. Twice. Ow.
Jenna yelled "Get out of the way get out of the way get out of the wayyyy!" bahahaha. So I did (fast), and waited for him to settle down while rubbing my sore thigh and almost fainting (my head is weird and thinks that it better shut down whenever I suffer any kind of mild trauma).
After he was a bit more calm I approached him again and stroked him for a while. Needless to say, I didn't finish grooming.
I brought him into the arena and began to free longe him. He worked off quite a bit of steam while we were doing this, and became much more relaxed after cantering for quite a while. My objective was to keep his feet moving and keep him going in the direction I wanted him to. If he turned around, I moved in his way and he was forced to turn back around. It was scary at times, but I only lost once. (He's a huge horse, btw, about 17hh.)
When he had calmed down quite a bit, I joined up with him. Joining up is a magical process where the horse begins to respect the person as it's leader, and wishes to join the herd. When the horse shows signs of respect and submission (lowering it's head, pointing it's ears to the inside, licking it's lips, etc.), the human stops making it run and turns his back on it. The horse then comes to the center of the arena, which is the human's circle and the horse can only come in if it is invited.
We did all this, and after he came into my circle, he followed me around everywhere, without being physically attached to me.
This doesn't mean that he will always do whatever I tell him to, but he does have more respect for me, and we have the beginning of a bond. I'm scared that I'm going to get very attached to Oliver...
Jenna plans to turn him into a hunter/jumper. I hope to work with him quite a bit, and maybe sometime in the future, if she keeps him long enough, he could be mine. But then I'm just dreaming now.

Even though he's skittish and flighty, I've never liked a horse as much as I like him. I think we've got something, and I don't want to let it pass me by.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why do we insist on crediting the perfect timing of delightful things in our lives to something - anything - other than the Creator of time?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things I Have Found Out

When I leave a message on your phone, calling me back would be polite - true

Barbecue sauce is amazing - true

Revving your engine while passing me will make me think you're hot/cool/awesome/wicked - false. please don't do this, it is exceedingly annoying and only makes people think you are a fool. a nice wave would be just fine.

Wearing an apron is like being a walking napkin - true, and very handy

"Fail-proof" recipes are always fail-proof - false

Wearing my cowboy hat while doing algebra makes everything better - true

Life is easy - false

Horses are cheaper than therapy - false

I can now run for 2 miles and call it an "easy" run - true

Bright colors make me happy - true

Running is addicting - strange, but true.

HTML is fun and easy - false, I messed up my blog and don't know how to change it back.

Once I am sleep-deprived, catching up on sleep isn't difficult - false

People on Facebook entertain me with their whining about the new layout - true

I have taken on way too much school this year - true

Ok, this was fun but I'm gonna go write in my journal and get ready for bed now :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Alrighty Then

Soo, my blog is continuing to be weird. I just worked for a couple hours on changing the font, and yeah. This is what happened. Everything is like grayed out or something, and what's with the random blue at the top of the page?
My links turned blue too. Strange.
I really have no idea how to make it go back to regular, so it will just have to stay like this until I can figure it out. Which might be never.
Needless to say, my font change didn't work. Bummer. It was gonna be really cool, too. Ah well.

I ran the Ingawanis 5k on Saturday, and it was a real challenge. It was a trail run, so lots of big, loose rocks and quite a few inclines too. Some were really steep. There were also some logs across the path, which I leaped gracefully across (haha). I had to walk quite a few times, which was disappointing to me, but I got over it.
My time was 34:13 I think. I placed 3rd in my age division :) :) :)

It was a good run.

I made this recipe for supper tonight, and it was pretty good. I meant to take pictures of it to post, but I completely forgot. Whoops. 
I was gonna clean my hamster's cage tonight [it's badly in need of a clean :( ], but then I wasted all my time on changing my stupid blog around. And I have nothing good to show for it. Ah, what an exciting life I lead ;)

*wishes on 11:11*
Goodnight, all! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Things

This will basically be an update post, and an excuse to not do school :)

If you remember, I wrote about training for a 5k a while ago. Well, I completed the training schedule (sorta), and ran the 5k. Before I did the actual race, I was convinced that I would never run another one, because I hated running so much. It's tons of work, and it's boring.
But then I actually ran it, and it was very much fun, even though I had to walk quite a bit of it. My time was 35.00, and I got 1st place, but only because no one else ran in my age division, hahaha.
I was undecided as to whether I would continue running or not, so my plan was to take a rest week and then keep doing practice runs until I could run the entire 3.1 miles, then go from there.
Then Mom told me about a 5k near Hampton at a place called Beed's Lake. I immediately wanted to run it. So I started a new training plan, one that lasted 5 weeks and would help me to run the entire thing. The thing was, I had to start training right away in order to finish it by the time the 5k rolled around. So I didn't get a rest week in, but it worked out ok.
I ran the Beed's Lake 5k, and it was really fun. I walked for about 10 seconds for the water stop (I tried to run through it, but believe me, it's extremely hard to run and drink water out of a styrofoam cup at the same time!), and then at about 2 1/2 miles I just got so tired that I had to walk for about 2 minutes, then run the rest of the way. My time was 32.47, and I got 3rd place in my age division.

And now, I'm running another 5k this weekend. I've basically been running for 30 minutes 3 days a week. I'm pretty confident that I'll do well at this one, and hopefully be able to run the entire thing.
I'm excited :D

Let's see what else....
Oh yeah!
I did another horse show on August 21st. It was a blast :) I rode Pork Chop.

I placed 4th out of 4 in English walk/trot, 1st out of 2 in English Pleasure, and 3rd out of 3 in Jumping Figure Eight. 

I went jumping at Jenna's on a horse that actually jumps, rather than stumbles, and it was really fun. I had a great time.

I started school the day after Labor Day, and if I said it's been keeping me busy that would be an understatement. On top of school I have embroidery, 4-H, and normal house chores like making supper. Then this past weekend I did a yard sale out front of my parent's store in Hampton. It was a ton of work, and I had to sit with it Friday 10-5 and Saturday 9-5. Needless to say, I was extremely bored. On Friday I only had my textbooks to keep me company, and on Saturday I stole Liz's iPod, but the internet only worked half the time. 

Then on Sunday morning, we found out that our local grocery store got burnt down :( :( :( :(

It's the only grocery store in my town, and it's really weird to think that I won't be going back there to buy things anymore. I've been going there ever since I was tiny. *Sigh*
But the good news is, the owner decided to rebuild! :) It won't be the same but at least there will be another store. 

I also restarted piano lessons, and I've barely had time to practice for that. Life. It's just too busy. And I don't have half the responsibilities that some people do. 

This has been good. I have missed this. I love blogging :)
I must go start supper now, I will be back. Let us not part for so long next time!
Til' then,

Monday, September 12, 2011


It works! YESS!! My blog is back in business! YAYYYYY! I've missed blogging so much. The poor people over on Buzz probably hate me. I've been plaguing them with tons of posts.
I don't have time to write a real post right now, but I will soon, I promise :)
I posted this video on my Facebook and Buzz yesterday, and I wanted to post it here too.

Never forget <3

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Picture Post!

Today was the 4-H horse show, so I was busy all day long. I didn't get down there until 9, bahaha. But it was ok because none of the people I was helping were there yet anyway.
I washed and groomed ponies until 12:30 and then I worked in the concession stand until about 6:30. It was a long day, but fun. Sydney and her sister Avery helped me in the stand. Needless to say, we had lots of laughs and giggles.
I was told that I have very nice eyes, and that they're so blue! xD

Sad news though. None of my projects went to state :( You bet I'm very disappointed.
Here are some pictures of my things:

Elliot (considered)

Micah and Chloe (considered)

My miniature garden (blue)

Whole wheat bread and Mustang chocolate cake (blue)

Polo wraps, and part of the duct tape rose (blue)

English square pad (blue)
(Ignore the drunk looking girl in this one)

My planter box that a guy in town helped me make :)

Annd I just wanted to add this one for fun. I got violently scratched by a bear :O

That's about it. Mom got a picture of our booth too, but she made me stand in it and I honestly looked drunk. I was dead tired after a bad night of sleep and then a long day of constant work, and did not look presentable.
I didn't take pictures of my other sketch that got considered because I don't like it very much. I don't know why the judge considered it, I just brought it for fun.

Funny story. My cinnamon raisin bread got considered for state, so it didn't get sold in the bake sale. But then it didn't actually go to state, so it got set in my booth. Mom saw it and really wanted to take it home because she didn't want it to just go to waste setting in the booth all week. But if you take your projects out of your booth early, you get penalized. So I wanted to take the loaf but leave the sample that the judge cut off. I still wasn't sure if that was ok though, so I ran around trying to find a fair director and couldn't find one. I called my leader and asked if it would be alright, and she said she thought it would be.
So Momma took the bread out of the bag, but we didn't have another bag to carry it in so she had to just hold it. People looked at us funny because she was running around the fairgrounds with a loaf of bread. It looked like she was stealing it xD
Ok maybe that wasn't as funny as I thought it was but ok nevermind time for bed im so tiredandgoodnightbyezzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4-H Judging

I got judged on my projects today, 15 in all. I haven't been back to see what I got on the challenge classes, so I'm not sure on those yet, but on everything else I got blue ribbons! 3 of my sketches got considered for state, and one of my loaves of bread got considered as well (again, I haven't been back there yet so I'm not sure if they actually went to state. I'll have to see tomorrow).
I forgot my camera, so I didn't get pictures :( that's another thing I'll do tomorrow.
I'm gonna have to get up pretty early, probably 6:30. Knowing me it will end up being 7 or 7:30. I am so tired.
Anyway, I'm going to run and workout, and then shower, eat breakfast and get my butt to the fairgrounds by 8. Happening? Probably not. I'll be there by 9 at the latest though. Then I'm going to help the girls in my club get ready for the horse show until about 12:30. When the show starts, I'll have to start managing the concession stand until the end of the show which will probably be about 5 or 6. It's gonna be a long day. So I'd better go to bed now :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Whenever I have stuff to post about, I never have time. Whenever I have time, my life is boring.

Basically, tons of stuff has happened/is happening, and I'm bad at remembering things and writing them out.
Here's what's up right now:
1. I am sick and tired of sewing the English square pad I'm making for 4-H.
2. Buggy is sicker than he ever has been, and while Jimmy is at work, I've been boiling water and heating up rice bags every 2 hours to put in the bottom of his cage to keep him warm.
3. I just started training to jog a 5k today. I've never been a good runner, so we'll see how this works out.
4. Today I ate healthier than I have in a long time, but after tracking my food here, I found out that I was actually not as healthy as I thought. I will never understand fitness.
5. At the moment, I'm just starting on another sketch.
6. Here's a picture for fun.
I can spot at least 4 flaws in my posture. Bet you can too.

8. That's all.
9. Goodbye.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy June!

"'For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.'" ~ Jeremiah 29:11-13

I've been busying myself with 4-H projects. Got two sketches done, and I'm not extremely happy with them, but they'll do. I'll post pictures, but not until I know what kind of ribbons I get. That means you have to wait until at least June 21st to see them.
I also have half finished polo wraps and a little hand bag. Hoping to start on my saddle pad real soon, and I have yet to decide what to do for baked goods this year.
This year they added some new projects called "challenges", where there are specific rules for each project. For example, one is making a plate of cookies. You have to use their recipe, and make it to the best of your ability. Another one is a container garden, and I think I'll do that as well. The best part is I don't have to fill out any goal sheets, and I still get premium money! :)

They just started shooting sports in my county, so I signed myself up for that. Went to the informational meeting on Tuesday night, and there were only two other kids there. Needless to say, I was the only girl.
Unfortunately, they don't have an instructor trained in archery, which is what I really wanted to do. Guns are alright but archery is better. The county next to us does have an instructor, and the 4-H organizer or whatever she is said that if there were enough people interested in it we could borrow their instructor or something. Hopefully they'll do that, because this is my last year in 4-H and by the time they get someone trained for our county I'll be done.

This weekend I have a 4-H horse show. I won't be showing in it, I'll just be opening and closing the gate, manning the concession stand and handing out ribbons. Probably not all at the same time though :P
Then on Sunday I have a 4-H meeting and then a trail clinic. You've probably figured it out by now: this is the busiest time of year for 4-H.

On another note entirely, I only have to get 6 more driving hours! Yayyy :) I found out that I only need 20 hours, not 30. That made me happy.

I really can't believe it's June already. Almost half the year is gone! And my baby niece's birthday is in 6 days. Awwww :D

P.S. Guess I'm just in a patriotic mood! Do I change my background too much? To be honest, I kinda liked the other one better, and might change it back. Lol.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I haven't posted for a week, so I'm posting. But I have to go now, so bye :P

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Busy, busy, busy.

Believe it or not, I've been quite busy the past few days/weeks. I hardly have any time for reading, or just sitting, or anything at all.
After looking at how much school I have left in the year, I decided that if I work hard enough, I'll be able to get it done by Thursday this week, instead of dragging it out until my original finish date of June 15th. So I've been working at that.
My last piano lesson was yesterday, and I took a nap while I waited for my turn at the piano. I was all groggy and sleepy during my lesson, so I didn't play my best.
Friday night I had a little freakout party as I realized for the first time that County Fair is about a month away and I haven't started any 4-H projects. At all. So I pulled out my list of projects I'm signed up for and brainstormed. I thought of a few sewing projects, a couple things to draw, and some other things that I can't remember right now.
Saturday, I went to the store with Liz and started sewing a little bag (Mom's sewing machine was over there). I got to the end of the second step and realized that I didn't have any fusible batting or decor-bond. I really didn't know what either of those things was, so I called Mom and she told me I needed both of them, and to go to a fabric store.
After work, Liz and I went to JoAnn Fabrics and I bought tons of stuff. I don't think I've ever spent that much money there. It was way too fun. I stocked up on things I'll need for my other projects, such as 3 yards of fleece for polo wraps, and fabric and batting for a saddle pad.
I finished the little bag yesterday, and it is soooo cute! I think I did a really good job on it. It was a much easier project than sewing a dress. I'm hoping that my saddle pad works out just as well. Polo wraps will be fairly easy I think, the trickiest part will be cutting the fleece exactly straight.

Today I went to Rebekah's to help her plant her garden. Her parents were there, and we got a lot done, since there were two baby-holders and two (and occasionally three) garden-planters.
It was a very fun and relaxing time. Rebekah and I played in the dirt and mud, and we were little girls together.
At one point I was driving sticks into the ground to mark where the finished rows were, and I wasn't having much luck just pushing straight down on it. So I took it and ran around and around it, twisting it with me. Rebekah and her dad started laughing at me, and I had to stop 'cuz I was so dizzy. I tried to walk, and stumbled all around.

Then tonight we had a couple from our old church over for supper. I read books to their little boy (he's about 2 1/2). He's so precious. He almost fell asleep while I was reading to him. I asked him when his bedtime is, and he said it was at 8:00. They stayed until about 9:30, and he got so sleepy. He's such a sweet little boy :)

Today has been a good day.

If I can keep up with school and finish on Thursday, I'm going to start working "full time" for Mom and really learn her embroidery machines. Then I'll be able to take horse lessons, as soon as I get my license. Stuff is finally starting to fall into place, and God is good to me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011


As promised, I'll show you some pictures of Jimmy's cake eating ceremony.

 Being serenaded with Happy Birthday. And obviously very smug to have her siblings singing to her.

 Welllllll that was fun :) 

Today I drove for the last time, yes! We drove for 3 hours so we could finish, and went to visit some of Mr. C's friends, 'cuz he had to borrow some tools or something. They live on a lake, so we girls ran down the dock and put our feet in the water while Mr. C was inside talking. The water was freezing!
Then we went to a McDonald's, but it was closed for maintenance. Kenzie said she really really wanted to eat there, so we drove about 15 minutes to another one. Ah, the conveniences of life. 
So we get there, everyone orders what they want, and Kenzie and I go over to the fountain pop thingy where there's straws and stuff. While I was getting a straw for my shake, Kenzie set her paper bag on the counter and filled her soda up, then set it down to get a lid. Her bag started to fall off the counter, so she swung around to catch it and knocked her pop down with her purse. Soda went allll over the shelf, and we died laughing. We could not move, we were laughing so much, and Kenzie almost fell over. When we recovered enough, we grabbed wads of napkins and whiped the pop into the trash, giggling like annoying little high school girls the whole time. 
It was great. Definitely the most fun we've had driving.
Tomorrow and Wednesday is the test. I wonder if Mr. C would let me sleep through Wednesday if I finish it all tomorrow. Probably not.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


For my laundry to finish in the washer. I don't know if I'll stay up for it to go in the dryer, but if I don't I have no idea what I'm wearing tomorrow. I am a ridiculous procrastinator.
So I'm watching time lapse videos and updating my blog. Boring.

Yesterday was Jimmy's birthday, so we went to a bird sanctuary 3 hours away. We were there for about 20 minutes and then turned around and came home. Actually we went shopping in Waterloo before we got home, and I got some sparkly cow earrings :D
Yes, I still shop in the children's section.

Today I made a gluten free/dairy free cake for her, and accidentally messed it up by putting milk in it. So I baked that one, and made her another one with almond milk.
Both of them turned out fine, and I was planning on making 2 anyways, just one was going to be normal, and from a box mix, not from scratch.

Well I thought up a plan so that I don't have to wait up for my laundry to dry. I'll get up and shower like normal, but then I'll get my pajamas back on and dry my hair, then I'll run down into the basement and choose some clothes from the dryer and change real quick right before I go out the door. It's gonna be tight, but I'll make it. *Sigh* sometimes I amaze myself.

Tomorrow a cop is coming to talk to us in Driver's Ed. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday we take the exam, and then Thursday I have to go back because I missed a day and thennnnnnnn freedom Friday! It's gonna be great.

This is yet another pictureless post, but I think I might upload some from Jimmy's birthday. She was pretty cute eating her cake :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dear Summer,

Welcome back.

It was a shock to be barely able to breathe when I walked outside on Tuesday. Thankfully it's calmed down since then. It's actually a little chilly now.
I didn't realize how much I missed lunch outside. I'm actually developing a tan. A small and barely noticeable one, yes, but still a tan. 

Driver's Ed is almost done! I drive one more time on Monday (Mr. C said we could go to Dairy Queen again, yesss! If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I'll do just about anything for food. I am just like a dog), and I'm so excited. Last day of class is on Thursday for me, since I missed one day. It's going to be sooooo nice to sleep in again. This has dragged on for too long *nods*.

I went to Rebekah's house on Saturday morning and then again on Wednesday from about 9:30 to 6. Her and Caleb's landlord, Dave and his son, Brian are staying at their house right now. They've been here for almost 2 weeks and leave on Monday to go back to Alaska. Rebekah does an amazing job keeping up with her little monsters and hosting guests, I really don't know how she does it. So I went to help her out. It was tiring, but a good time.

Hey guess what! I mowed the lawn for the first time in my life on Tuesday. I wanted to mow so bad, don't ask me why because I have no idea. So naturally, being the smart little Timmy that I am, I picked the hottest day of the week to mow. Wonderful, huh? Poppy helped me, or rather I helped him. He mowed most of the lawn with the riding mower and I did the edges with the falling apart and almost unusable push mower. Ok maybe that's an exaggeration. Then I weed whacked, and let's just say that it's a good thing I didn't have to make it look pretty. I sweat tons on a regular day, and I was drenched after we finished. 

Well! This post is boring. It's all words. I like pictures. 

And there ya go! Another grammatically incorrect, all over the place, hard to understand, ridiculously boring post done by yours truly :)
Now I have to go do laundry. byeeeeee

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am a failure of an embroiderer.

Last week on April 30th, my second oldest sister had her baby boy, Elliot. Mom and Dad are going out to visit soon, and Mom has a ton of embroidery to get done before she leaves. So I, being the helpful little Timmy that I am, decided to help her out and embroider some things for her. She had a fairly big order of T-Ball hats, and I've done plenty of hats before, so that seemed like the job for me.
She went out to manage the store today (Jimmy is gone to IL for a doc appt.), but not before giving me a quick crash course in how to do the hats and when the colors would need to be changed. Everything went great during the morning, and I was snapping hats on and off those machines as fast as I could. Around noon, one of the machines had an error that I couldn't fix, so I called Mom and she told me a few things that didn't help either. So I reluctantly decided that I'd better finish the job on the one machine. I had about 20 or so hats left, so I settled in.
I got about 4 hats done when a needle broke on the machine. I hadn't replaced a needle for a while, so I wasn't entirely sure how to do it. I knew how to take one off and put it back, and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that there was a front and a back to the needle, and it had to go on right. I just didn't know which was which. I chose a side and installed it.
4 broken needles, 2 ruined hats, and one very frustrated Timmy later, I called Mom and told her what was happening. I couldn't figure out why the needles were breaking, because I'd tried installing them both ways ("The groove that goes all the way up goes at the back, right?"). Apparently the answer was no, but it's hard to understand everything over the phone, so Mom told me yes. I was at my wit's end, since I've not done very much embroidery before, and don't know much about the machines. I really really wanted/needed to get the job finished before Mom got home, because she had more stuff coming that she had to do after supper.
I was frustrated with myself and the machines, and I took a long break. Then I tried again, with a new hat and a freshly installed needle. The thread broke at least 6 times on the first letter, was fine on the second letter, then broke 2 times on the third letter, and started ruining the hat. I quit. I was frustrated. I didn't know what to do. Both Mom and Dad were gone, and they couldn't help me over the phone.
When the rents got home, Dad had a look at the machine and promptly informed me that the needle was in backwards. He showed me the correct way to put it, and thankfully I had cooled off enough that I was simply amused with the whole situation. Moral of the story: if you know next to nothing about the machines, unless absolutely necessary, don't do embroidery while both the boss and the machine tech are gone. The end.

In other news, Poppy and I finally made it to the library today. They called me probably 2 weeks ago and told me that they had a book I had been looking for, and I just never got down there until today. I had to do some banking for Jimmy and pick up some cleaning supplies as well, so I just combined the trip. I had to walk home, but I can't say why because it has to do with my Mother's Day pressie for my mother. Not sure if she reads this or not, but you can never be too careful, right?

Last night I was searching recipe books for something to make for supper, and I came across a delicious looking pudding pie. We didn't really have enough ingredients, but I decided to give it a go anyways. I followed the recipe almost exactly, except for the little bit of cool whip I didn't have. Poured the pudding in on top of the cream cheese and proudly put it in the fridge. An hour later, the pudding was still just as watery. Two hours later, no difference. I was confused, because usually pudding sets in about 5-10 minutes. I decided that I would check it in the morning. I open the fridge today, and it hasn't changed a bit.
I didn't want to waste all that yummy goodness, especially since the only thing wrong with it was the texture. So I poured the watery pudding into a bowl (the bottom layer of cream cheese had solidified), and whipped it for 3 or 4 minutes. No change.
I dug the box out of the trash and guess what? Right there on the box it said cook and serve. Not instant. Apparently there's a big difference. After a well-deserved facepalm, I poured the stuff into a pot and cooked it. Sure enough, it thickened up right away *sigh*. Only me.

This looks like a pretty depressing post, but really all in all today wasn't that bad of a day. Thursday is the best day of the week, and other than that embroidery madness, today was good. It was fine. I guess.

I miss Jimmy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Not a whole lot to say, but I figured I owe you a post, whoever you are.

Today I drove and made more mistakes in that one time driving than I ever have before. Mr. S. was in a good mood though, and we laughed about it. I honestly think my driving skills are steadily declining, and I'm not sure what to do about it. Not that I'm a reckless driver exactly, but I'm just not a very good one. Guess that's sorta to be expected with a noob driver.
On the plus side, we went to Dairy Queen, and it was delicious.

Other than that, not a ton happened. I made porcupine meatballs for supper, and it always makes me feel  a little weird when I find the recipe by looking up "porcupines". They were alright, but they didn't become all spiky like they normally do. I'm not sure why though.

And that, dear friends, is a summary of my very exciting day.

P.S. I know it's not the 4th of July, but when I was looking for a background to change from St. Patrick's Day, I fell in love with this one.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My favorite hymn

Today I heard a song, almost by complete accident. It's called "In Christ Alone", and it's one of my favorite hymns (right up there with "Come Thou Fount").

Anyways, it put me in a completely worshipful mood. This is the best mood to be in. Thinking of my Savior in reverent awe, and His wonderful, endless love for me.

The lyrics are amazing. It gives me chills to listen to this song.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
(I hope only in Christ, not in my friends, or even my family. Everyone I'm close to will let me down at one point or another. He never will, not ever.)

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
 (When I am comforted by Him, I feel love and peace beyond my comprehension.)

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
(He was greatly humbled by giving up His majesty, and becoming a helpless Baby. He was scorned by the very people He was saving, all to give me the gift of love and righteousness.)

Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
(Jesus died to satisfy the wrath of God, so that I wouldn't have to. He experienced the ultimate pain when He took on every sin, and His Father turned His back on Him. I live because of His death. How amazing is that?)

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
(From mourning to triumphant. What a stark contrast. He is the real Light of the world.)

And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
(Jesus is victorious, and I am no longer bound by sin. I belong to Him. I don't know about you, but I get a huge feeling of relief and gratitude and love right about here.)

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
(Here, too. I don't have to feel guilty or fearful, because I know He will forgive me. Jesus commands my destiny. Yes.)

No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand
(Nobody will steal me away from my God. I am His, for all eternity.)

So that's my favorite hymn. I just put my thoughts about each verse, to maybe help you better understand why I love it so much. I've heard it plenty of times, played it on the piano even more, and I never tire of it. I strive for everything in this song.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hey! Soo, guess I did pretty good on posting more, eh? ;) I almost did the BEDA (blog every day of April) thingy, but then I thought about it and decided that I wouldn't have enough to say, so I would run out of stuff to post by the 3rd or 4th day.
Anyways, I got my hair cut on Saturday. I took a few pictures, but alas, no good ones to behold. Oh well.
Mom and I worked on Saturday morning, and then went to IL with Liz for a short weekend trip. We stopped at the Cedar Falls Kohl's on the way, so we didn't get to IL until 7pm. We didn't do much out of the ordinary while we were there, but it was a fun trip. Then we stopped at the Coralville Kohl's on the way home (can you tell we like Kohl's?), and I got some sweet new kicks!

They're Nikes (if ya didn't notice, lol), and I love them. I'm kind of a sucker for brands, especially Nike. I used them for Pilates this morning, and they're pretty much amazing. Just have to break them in a little bit before they're really comfortable, but I'll survive until then. They look grey in the pictures, but they're more brown. But wait, I just looked at them and they look grey. Tricky.

Anyways, enough about my shoes, haha. Last Sunday, I hosted my 4-H meeting, so I made these cookies with cookie cutters Liz gave to me:

 They turned out really cute, and were very yummy too! I just didn't have time to frost them. They were ok to make, but the dough was very picky. It had to chill for 3-4 hours, but I didn't have that kind of time on my hands, so I chilled them for 2ish, and had to stick the dough back in the fridge a few times. I didn't use all the dough, so I chilled it overnight, but even then it got really sticky and crumbly really fast when I tried to use it. I like drop cookies a lot better anyways, they're not so fussy.

I have an entire week off from school for Easter! Pretty cool, but I think I'll just work right through it and get done for the year a week earlier.

Last week in an effort to start eating better (mostly for my teeth, but also in an effort to become a healthier person overall) I stopped eating white flour and all sugar. Needless to say, I starved. Then I made whole wheat bread and tortillas, and I've been devouring those. Probably not a good thing. I wanted to get raw milk too, but apparently it's illegal to sell raw milk in IA, and I didn't know that :(
But I'm definitely surviving and thriving, and I've only cheated 3 times in 6 days. Pretty good, I think.

Not sure entirely where I'm at as far as horseback riding goes. Waiting for the arena to dry out, and maybe trying to get a schedule worked out. I left my rubber cow boots at Jenna's, and I miss them and want them now. Nobody appreciates the smell of manure as much as I do though, so they'd probably be banned to the shed as soon as I brought them home.

P.S. look at this adorable picture aw :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random facts

I just realized that I don't post enough. So I'll tell you a random thing about myself: I like to stare out of windows. I don't really know why, but even if there's nothing going on outside, I could sit and stare for a long long time. Weird, huh?
I ordered some half chaps today, and I can't wait until they get here! They were so inexpensive, and they're leather. Yay! I wish they would be here right now. I like getting stuff in the mail, and the place I ordered them from takes so long to ship stuff. 
This is random. I don't have much to say. But I will try to post more often.
Anyways, if you read this, tell me a random fact about yourself in a comment.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Year

Well Lilah, it's been one year. I visited your grave at 10:30 today. Do you remember last year? I had you in my hands, on my way up the stairs to call the vet, so they could put you down. I only made it halfway up the stairs though and sat down. Somehow Mom was there with her arms around me, cupping her hands around mine, and you were struggling to breathe. But you couldn't, and you left me.
I thought my world was going to end. I was relieved that you were done suffering, that you didn't have to deal with the cancer that had taken over your body, but I miss you. I know I'm never going to see you again. You're gone.
I remember giving you kisses and cuddles before I wrapped you up in some paper towels, but I don't remember burying you. I don't remember where you are.
People probably think I'm a bit silly, making such a big deal out of one little hamster. I don't know, maybe I am. God gave me a tender heart, and I get very attached to things that I love. I have a hard time letting go. You were very important to me, very special.
I adopted you because no one else wanted you, remember? For a while I wanted to get the cataracts removed from your eyes so that you could see (do they even do surgery like that on such little animals?).
Then I accepted the fact that you were blind and always would be, and that made you special.
I loved you always. From the very second I put you in your new cage, right to the end. Even when my hands were covered in hamster bites because you didn't know me yet. I never got frustrated or impatient with you.
When the vet told me that you had cancer and would only live for 2-4 months, I was so sad. I gave you baby food and vegetables to keep you healthy. You got so skinny. I couldn't do anything. I think you were happy right up until the last 2 days. You still ran on your wheel and ate your food and played in your hamster playground. You still had your little attitude and only let me hold you.
I got a new hamster, 2 months after you died. You probably wouldn't like him. You would think he is too fluffy, and too big, and too scared. I like him though. He lived in your house for a while, but I had to get a bigger aquarium. I still have yours, though. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it.
You silly girl, you captured my heart. I never thought I'd love you this much.
I love you so much it hurts. I miss you. I will remember you.
Love, your mama.

P.S. It's gray and cloudy today, and the sky is crying too. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

So! St. Patrick's Day was yesterday, and it was fun. No wild parties, but I made a lot of Irish food, and it was pretty delicious.

 Ready to eat our Irish breakfasts consisting of bacon, eggs, tomatoes and whole mushrooms, and a slice of bread, all fried in the same pan.

 Irish soda bread. It took forever to bake, but it was the best recipe I've made so far.

 Toasting to St. Patrick's Day with green Ginger Ale instead of green beer ;)

 More Irish Soda Bread, but this time it was cut into little squares and dipped in eggs and Parmesan cheese.

I also made Irish stew and Irish Ginger Snaps, but I didn't take pictures of either of them.

In the morning I went to the care center and played the piano for half an hour. I had quite a few Irish pieces, and it was pretty fun.

Now I'm off to IL for the weekend with Jimmy! 
Adiós, amigos :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Delicious yummies

I made Leather Cookies on Saturday. Yep, leather.

They were sooooo delicious, and gone by lunchtime the next day.

Then tonight for supper I made Blueberry Cake, and it was very good.
My attempt at an artistic picture, failing for more than one reason.

And so that you can have a cuteness overload, my hamster just waking up <3

He's so cute! His fur is all smashed on his face awwww :) :) :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Guess it's been a while, huh?

Well well. I went to Illinois for 10 days. And I don't feel like writing about it.
I had five orange packages waiting for me when I got back, and that made me really happy. My new contacts arrived too, which I really need to start wearing but I just haven't yet.

From Shutterfly I got a magnet with a picture of my hamster on it, a notepad with my name on it, and stickers with Jimmy and me on them.

Aren't they cute? :)

I feel like cooking something out of my Cowgirl's Cookbook. Pictures if I do, I promise!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Simply Grand

This weekend was indescribable. Friday, the day we went skiing, was everything I hoped it would be and more. It was an absolutely fantastic day. I didn't take any pictures, but I stole this one from Hayley's blog:

Jake had tripped Liz by accident, and I, after laughing so hard I almost passed out, was a good Samaritan and helped clean up the mess. Then we heard Hayley yelling to us. I was so confused, as you can almost tell by the look on my face. I didn't know who she was or why she would be taking a picture of us :P
I didn't figure it out until I saw this picture on her blog.
I took more jumps this time than I ever have before. Andalusia has a great terrain park. It was so fun. I definitely felt it in my knees the next day, though.

Then we had our little Cranford party on Saturday, and I think Gus was the only one that stayed the entire way through. Abe showed up when it was time for supper ;D
It was fun, even though the movie wasn't all Jimmy cracked it up to be. I must confess, I still like Pride and Prejudice better.

Sunday was fun too. Church in the morning, Jr. Youth church in the afternoon, then a spur of the moment Inception party after that.

The weekend was amazing, but nothing topped Friday. Friday was simply grand.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Skiing tomorrow! I don't think I'll sleep a wink tonight. Way too excited :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

La la la la...

Guess I haven't posted for a while, huh?
Friday was so cold, but it was beautiful when it started snowing. I went outside and the cold seeped in through my hats, gloves and coats. It went behind my eyes and I got a cold-headache, but I didn't mind after a while. The snow looked pretty against my dark brown coat. It kissed my face and collected on my eyelashes. I loved it. I wanted to stay out longer, but it really was too cold.

Saturday Liz and I had a "Cranford party" with Lyddie. We only got through two episodes, because it's a 5 or 6 hour movie. We ate enough junk food to make Dr. Harrison cry. It was fun though :D

Sunday it was -14 degrees when I got up!

This weekend we're gonna be skiing in Andalusia, and then go to Peoria. I'm soooo excited I think I will explode before then. I just got a paper route substitute, so it's definitely happening! I have to drop the route lists at their house on Thursday. I must not forget, because that is something I would do.

On February 7th, Jimmy is going to Utah. I wanted to go too, but decided not to. Instead, Jimmy is going to take me to stay with Sarah for the week! I'm more excited about that than skiing, I think. I really can't wait. I have quite a bit to do before then though, like right now I'm planning a menu so that I can freeze meals for my family to thaw for supper that week. I'm kinda stuck, I've never done this before. It will be interesting :)

Today all of my auctions ended, only 2 things sold though; a textbook and my breeches. I sent the textbook today, but I haven't been paid for the breeches yet. I'll be glad to be rid of them though, haha.

I hope you like my new playlist thingy :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Yesterday I listed a few textbooks and some breeches on My breeches and one textbook got bid on today, yay! I did a happy dance :) I didn't think anyone would buy the breeches. They're good quality, but I don't know if they'll fit anyone.
Today I ran out of contact solution and I had to find where to get more so that my contacts wouldn't dry out tonight. I found out that the local pharmacy has the kind I use, hooray! I used a coupon and got $1 off. Not much, but it's something.
I skipped pilates today, because I'm just a lazy butt. Friday I must do them! It's not that I can't finish the workout, I think I'm just getting bored. But it's the only thing that I've found that keeps all my riding muscles in shape.
Tomorrow I'm going to catch up on school and then do some filing for Dad. Lucky me, huh? :P I might list some more things on ebay too. I'll see how much I can get done, I suppose.
And I am so ready to hit the hay :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

4-H Christmas meeting

Today was my 4-H club's Christmas meeting, and it's the meeting that everyone's families go to. It's a potluck, so it's earlier than normal, at 12:30 instead of the normal 2:00.
This was the first time I'd gone in my 3 years of 4-H, so it was completely new to me. It was a lot of fun, though! Everyone in my family came with me.
What we do before Christmas is everyone fills out a piece of paper with a wish list, T-shirt size etc. on it, and then put it into a hat, and everyone picks a name to get a present for.
Then there are club awards, and if you've been active in the club the past year, you get a pretty good present :P
I suppose I've been active enough because I got some cool presents. If I had pictures I'd post them but I don't, and I have to go to sleep now :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Things I did today

  • Woke up too late
  • Never ate breakfast
  • Showered earlier than normal (12:30)
  • Got a package in the mail
  • Wrote 9 thank-you notes
  • Wanted to do a puzzle sooo bad
  • Looked for pictures to print but never found the ones I wanted
  • Made stuffed lasagna shells for supper
  • Tried to make "gourmet" crescent rolls but failed
  • Drank licorice root tea
  • Wrapped this present for my 4-H Christmas party tomorrow:

  • Figured out how to change the font on this blog from something other than the options that Blogger gives you (and there aren't very many!!)