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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Things

This will basically be an update post, and an excuse to not do school :)

If you remember, I wrote about training for a 5k a while ago. Well, I completed the training schedule (sorta), and ran the 5k. Before I did the actual race, I was convinced that I would never run another one, because I hated running so much. It's tons of work, and it's boring.
But then I actually ran it, and it was very much fun, even though I had to walk quite a bit of it. My time was 35.00, and I got 1st place, but only because no one else ran in my age division, hahaha.
I was undecided as to whether I would continue running or not, so my plan was to take a rest week and then keep doing practice runs until I could run the entire 3.1 miles, then go from there.
Then Mom told me about a 5k near Hampton at a place called Beed's Lake. I immediately wanted to run it. So I started a new training plan, one that lasted 5 weeks and would help me to run the entire thing. The thing was, I had to start training right away in order to finish it by the time the 5k rolled around. So I didn't get a rest week in, but it worked out ok.
I ran the Beed's Lake 5k, and it was really fun. I walked for about 10 seconds for the water stop (I tried to run through it, but believe me, it's extremely hard to run and drink water out of a styrofoam cup at the same time!), and then at about 2 1/2 miles I just got so tired that I had to walk for about 2 minutes, then run the rest of the way. My time was 32.47, and I got 3rd place in my age division.

And now, I'm running another 5k this weekend. I've basically been running for 30 minutes 3 days a week. I'm pretty confident that I'll do well at this one, and hopefully be able to run the entire thing.
I'm excited :D

Let's see what else....
Oh yeah!
I did another horse show on August 21st. It was a blast :) I rode Pork Chop.

I placed 4th out of 4 in English walk/trot, 1st out of 2 in English Pleasure, and 3rd out of 3 in Jumping Figure Eight. 

I went jumping at Jenna's on a horse that actually jumps, rather than stumbles, and it was really fun. I had a great time.

I started school the day after Labor Day, and if I said it's been keeping me busy that would be an understatement. On top of school I have embroidery, 4-H, and normal house chores like making supper. Then this past weekend I did a yard sale out front of my parent's store in Hampton. It was a ton of work, and I had to sit with it Friday 10-5 and Saturday 9-5. Needless to say, I was extremely bored. On Friday I only had my textbooks to keep me company, and on Saturday I stole Liz's iPod, but the internet only worked half the time. 

Then on Sunday morning, we found out that our local grocery store got burnt down :( :( :( :(

It's the only grocery store in my town, and it's really weird to think that I won't be going back there to buy things anymore. I've been going there ever since I was tiny. *Sigh*
But the good news is, the owner decided to rebuild! :) It won't be the same but at least there will be another store. 

I also restarted piano lessons, and I've barely had time to practice for that. Life. It's just too busy. And I don't have half the responsibilities that some people do. 

This has been good. I have missed this. I love blogging :)
I must go start supper now, I will be back. Let us not part for so long next time!
Til' then,


  1. Wow you have been busy! :) Thats a bad deal about the store :( haha why did they name the horse Pork Chop? :D

  2. Lol well her real name is Misty. She looks like a Pork Chop though, so that's why.

  3. lol if you say so ;)
