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Monday, January 24, 2011

La la la la...

Guess I haven't posted for a while, huh?
Friday was so cold, but it was beautiful when it started snowing. I went outside and the cold seeped in through my hats, gloves and coats. It went behind my eyes and I got a cold-headache, but I didn't mind after a while. The snow looked pretty against my dark brown coat. It kissed my face and collected on my eyelashes. I loved it. I wanted to stay out longer, but it really was too cold.

Saturday Liz and I had a "Cranford party" with Lyddie. We only got through two episodes, because it's a 5 or 6 hour movie. We ate enough junk food to make Dr. Harrison cry. It was fun though :D

Sunday it was -14 degrees when I got up!

This weekend we're gonna be skiing in Andalusia, and then go to Peoria. I'm soooo excited I think I will explode before then. I just got a paper route substitute, so it's definitely happening! I have to drop the route lists at their house on Thursday. I must not forget, because that is something I would do.

On February 7th, Jimmy is going to Utah. I wanted to go too, but decided not to. Instead, Jimmy is going to take me to stay with Sarah for the week! I'm more excited about that than skiing, I think. I really can't wait. I have quite a bit to do before then though, like right now I'm planning a menu so that I can freeze meals for my family to thaw for supper that week. I'm kinda stuck, I've never done this before. It will be interesting :)

Today all of my auctions ended, only 2 things sold though; a textbook and my breeches. I sent the textbook today, but I haven't been paid for the breeches yet. I'll be glad to be rid of them though, haha.

I hope you like my new playlist thingy :)


  1. Its been too cold lately! Oh I cant wait till Sunday! It'll be really fun having you guys at Church! And you getting to be here a week too, Cool! :P Sorry if I sound excited :D Cool Playlist, You'll have to add more songs! ;)

  2. Cold, but it's been still, and I like it :P
    Yes, it will be fun! I added more songs lol. But I'm bored of all of them.
