
I changed my font at

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Not a whole lot to say, but I figured I owe you a post, whoever you are.

Today I drove and made more mistakes in that one time driving than I ever have before. Mr. S. was in a good mood though, and we laughed about it. I honestly think my driving skills are steadily declining, and I'm not sure what to do about it. Not that I'm a reckless driver exactly, but I'm just not a very good one. Guess that's sorta to be expected with a noob driver.
On the plus side, we went to Dairy Queen, and it was delicious.

Other than that, not a ton happened. I made porcupine meatballs for supper, and it always makes me feel  a little weird when I find the recipe by looking up "porcupines". They were alright, but they didn't become all spiky like they normally do. I'm not sure why though.

And that, dear friends, is a summary of my very exciting day.

P.S. I know it's not the 4th of July, but when I was looking for a background to change from St. Patrick's Day, I fell in love with this one.


  1. Lol, about the driving, don't worry about it. (spoken from the guy who doesn't have his license yet either ;) Dairy Queen is always good, what didja get? The background looks cool, plus when it gets to be 4th of July, you won't have to change it.. :D

  2. Yeahh, I think I just wasn't paying enough attention haha.
    I got a hot fudge sundae, like always!
    I probably won't even leave this background til July though, since I like changing stuff so much :)
