
I changed my font at

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dear Summer,

Welcome back.

It was a shock to be barely able to breathe when I walked outside on Tuesday. Thankfully it's calmed down since then. It's actually a little chilly now.
I didn't realize how much I missed lunch outside. I'm actually developing a tan. A small and barely noticeable one, yes, but still a tan. 

Driver's Ed is almost done! I drive one more time on Monday (Mr. C said we could go to Dairy Queen again, yesss! If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I'll do just about anything for food. I am just like a dog), and I'm so excited. Last day of class is on Thursday for me, since I missed one day. It's going to be sooooo nice to sleep in again. This has dragged on for too long *nods*.

I went to Rebekah's house on Saturday morning and then again on Wednesday from about 9:30 to 6. Her and Caleb's landlord, Dave and his son, Brian are staying at their house right now. They've been here for almost 2 weeks and leave on Monday to go back to Alaska. Rebekah does an amazing job keeping up with her little monsters and hosting guests, I really don't know how she does it. So I went to help her out. It was tiring, but a good time.

Hey guess what! I mowed the lawn for the first time in my life on Tuesday. I wanted to mow so bad, don't ask me why because I have no idea. So naturally, being the smart little Timmy that I am, I picked the hottest day of the week to mow. Wonderful, huh? Poppy helped me, or rather I helped him. He mowed most of the lawn with the riding mower and I did the edges with the falling apart and almost unusable push mower. Ok maybe that's an exaggeration. Then I weed whacked, and let's just say that it's a good thing I didn't have to make it look pretty. I sweat tons on a regular day, and I was drenched after we finished. 

Well! This post is boring. It's all words. I like pictures. 

And there ya go! Another grammatically incorrect, all over the place, hard to understand, ridiculously boring post done by yours truly :)
Now I have to go do laundry. byeeeeee

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