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Saturday, January 8, 2011

My fun day full of madness

Welllll, lots of things happened today. First thing in the morning, I was awakened by Jimmy, getting ready to drive off into the sunrise.
Everyone was heading in a different direction today, so we all scrambled to be showered, and all left at about the same time. Kevin, Paul and Dad went to help Caleb D. unload his big spray foam truck and reload it into a different truck. Quite a big job, from what I heard.
Liz went to Cedar Rapids airport and flew to NC.
Moo took me to Rebekah D.'s house, and then continued on her way to open the store. I got to Rebekah's house at about 8:45. The twins were asleep, and she wanted some time to herself, so she did some exercises and then went on a walk with Jack while I baked cookies and Homemade Wheat Tortillas, which I turned into black bean quesadillas for lunch (I stole that idea from Sarah :)). They were delicious!!

Lydia and Liana got there at about 11:15, and we all stayed until about 8:30 or so. We got quite a bit accomplished, and had fun doing it! We set up a changing table that Rebekah had been meaning to do for a long time, because the table that she's been using has gotten too small. That was challenging, none of us could quite understand the directions (why use only pictures?? Pictures are helpful, but text explaining exactly what to do would help a lot!), and got hung up on one certain step for about 10 minutes. But it looks nice, and we really didn't have too hard of a time with it.

Jack found a leftover squirrel or something, and he seemed to really like eating it...

He's so gorgeous!

Liana and Lyddie made these for me:

Aren't they just beautiful? I love them!!

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