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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14th

I really dislike Valentine's Day. It's not because I don't have a boyfriend to shower me in roses and chocolate, or anything of the sort. I have at least 3 friends who are like that, and that's part of the reason I dislike it.
Valentine's Day is so artificial. It's the day that you'd better remember and buy something awesome for your significant other, or you'll be in big trouble. Really, guys? It's cool to show your love for your special people in your life, but if the only reason you're doing something nice is because of the day of the year, that's just silly.
If it works for you then have fun with that, but if I don't get any valentines I'm not gonna hate my life.
I don't mean to whine :)

Ohhhhhhh I just remembered I'd better post the videos from skiing that I took. That was a super day :)
Anyway, I don't really have much to say. Lots has been going on, but I never feel like writing about it.
Kbai :)


  1. I agree, this day is way over-done! Its a conspiracy though.. The card companies invented it, to sell a bunch of cards! :D
    It is nice when people give you candy and stuff though.. :P
    I've been waiting forever, to see those vids... >:-| lol :)

  2. Hmmm, I see it as being what you make it, so for me, Valentine's Day isn't artificial. ;-) There are a lot of people your age and relationship status that blow it completely out of proportion, but I actually enjoy another day out of the year that Micah gets me flowers. :-D And did you post those videos yet? heehee
