
I changed my font at

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hey! It's been a while. Lots and lotsa stuff's been going on lately. We can't pick up where we left off, though, or I'd have to write a book. So here's a series of pictures to make up for the last many months that I've been absent.

More updates to come, I promise!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Letting Go

Just because life doesn't work the way I want it to doesn't mean that God doesn't know what He's doing.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I'm really not that great of a multi-tasker, but I try anyways.

Right now I'm working on filling out information for my gradumication form. I'm stumped at the part where I'm supposed to say what my future plans are. Should I say that I'll stay home and work for a year, and then go to PA, or should I skip the whole working thing and simply say I'll be going to Pennsylvania in fall of 2013? *ponders*
Also, I'm having the worst time ever deciding which verse to choose! I had many, now I've narrowed it down to two: 2 Timothy 1:7, and John 8:31-32. They both mean a lot to me. Aaaaa! I have to decide by March 9th. Helllllp meeeeeeeeee!

I'm also looking at the funds I have in my checking account so that I know if I have enough money to order a pair of new breeches and some tall boots. I've actually been working on ordering them for weeks. Once, I had both things in my cart and was just about ready to check out, when I saw a different pair of breeches that I want just as bad. Now I literally can't make up my mind. Ribbed or smooth? Polyester or cotton? These are the questions that plague my mind in the late hours of the night.
I'm wicked excited to get my hands on a pair of tall boots though. I've had my mind made up on those for a while. I've had two pairs of half chaps that I wear with my paddock boots, but I just don't like them very much anymore. My paddock boots expanded with wear, so they're too big for me now, and my half chaps always slip down. So yeah. Tall boots will be mighty nice, I think :)

I'm also working on getting a new song on my playlist. And reading random articles. Like this one, and this one.

Alright. I have accomplished one or two things since I started writing: one, I have one thing in my cart and two, I now know that I have enough monies to make my purchases.
Inner turmoil will ensue while I make these heart wrenching decisions. Which verse, and which breeches?!?!?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14th

I really dislike Valentine's Day. It's not because I don't have a boyfriend to shower me in roses and chocolate, or anything of the sort. I have at least 3 friends who are like that, and that's part of the reason I dislike it.
Valentine's Day is so artificial. It's the day that you'd better remember and buy something awesome for your significant other, or you'll be in big trouble. Really, guys? It's cool to show your love for your special people in your life, but if the only reason you're doing something nice is because of the day of the year, that's just silly.
If it works for you then have fun with that, but if I don't get any valentines I'm not gonna hate my life.
I don't mean to whine :)

Ohhhhhhh I just remembered I'd better post the videos from skiing that I took. That was a super day :)
Anyway, I don't really have much to say. Lots has been going on, but I never feel like writing about it.
Kbai :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas/New Year/Self Consciousness

Once again a lot has happened since I last posted.

On Christmas, Sarah and Micah and Chloe weren't here yet so we went to church and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and slept and pretty much had a normal day. The DeJarnatts arrived on Thursday after Christmas and we opened presents then.

New Year's Eve was sorta uneventful. I went to Krissy's house and watched "The Lion King 1 1/2" and stayed with her until midnight. We ate pie off the floor with no utensils while we waited for the ball to drop, loft.
I made one resolution: to read through the Bible in a year. I acquired a schedule and have kept to it so far.

Bekah got me at least four devotional books for Christmas, and I started one of them, "Lies Young Women Believe" yesterday. Even though I've only read the intro and the first chapter, it's already a great book! There is so much information packed onto each page, but it's not overwhelming.
Today I learned that Satan's native language is lying; He's fluent in lies and that's what he speaks. Everything that is negative or dishonoring to God stems from a lie of Satan, including things we don't even think about.
For example, when I'm self conscious about my appearance, I'm basically telling God that I could have done a better job making me than He did. This is a lie that the devil wants me to believe so that I will become focused on myself rather than God, therefore making me turn my back on Him. In reality, God made me (and everyone else!) just the way He wants me to be, so my appearance is perfect. Things that I can't change, like my hair or my nose are things that God specifically intended to make that way.
When I judge other people for the way they look, I'm judging God. Of course we should be good stewards of our bodies, but we should also be content with things we can't change.
I pulled most of that story from my brain, so not much of it is biblical based :P
"He {the devil} was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." ~ John 8:44

I don't know about you, but I hunger and thirst for the truth. I do my best to be honest and true to others and to God. Deceit plagues us all, and I pray God will help me to escape it as well as I can until the lovely day when I won't have to think about it anymore.

My memory verse of the week:
"Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." 2 Timothy 2:22
I've got the reference down, but not the verse, lol. They made it easy for me by picking a verse that had a reference with only one repeating number in it :)

Anyways, I'd better get my rear to the library before they close. Bye for now :)